Saturday, April 12, 2008

Island View Crit -- cat 4/5

I pedaled on over to watch the boys in the early morning race in IV and yowza it looked fast. Within fifteen minutes the field was cut in half by the speed. I'm sure there'll be stories to tell and re-tell on group rides for the next few months, but for now I'll leave you with a picture of the finish, which tells the only story that really matters, and this time it was my team's rivals (the Chicken Ranchers) who dominated the day. Ken Doyle won and his brethren swept the podium. Congrats. A couple Platinums (Seth and Tom) can be seen in the top-10. Good job to all.

Now I need to get back on over there for my race. Any thoughts of an easy locals-only crit were dashed when I saw Karl Menzies signed up. It also appears LVG will be doing the mens' race, which always adds a level of ego to the sprint...

More later.

Oh yeah, ps. Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I couldn't justify blogging while my taxes were not finished, but every time I worked on the taxes I got so aggravated that I had to step away from the computer or I might have put my foot through the screen. Oh well, they're still not done but it's the weekend now.

1 comment:

Tom Anhalt said...

Yep Marco, it was fast. By my watch only 0.2 mph slower than the 35+ race!

Big props to Doylie for leading the thing out so hard no one (even his teammates) could come around him.

I need to stop slacking off on doing my sprints...