Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Blog

I just realized that this blog had its one-year birthday last week, and I forgot to celebrate it. What the... Am I for real!?! It's already narcissistic enough just having a blog. What audacity to think anybody wants to read this drivel, with all its misspellings, bad grammar, and self-aggrandizing stories...

Yet, I read lots of other people's drivelish blogs ...and truth be told, I really, really enjoy them. Does that make me some voyeuristic freak, anonymously peeking into others' lives and personal commentary on the internet?!? Am I slumping into ever greater ignorance because I forsake "real" news and information sources for the writings of hack amateurs such as me? (or should that be "I" or "myself" ...see what I mean??) Does it matter that I know more about the blow-by-blow unfolding of some po-dunk 35+ bike race in California, than I do about Bush's veto of the child health-insurance bill, or genocide in Darfur? Me thinks it does matter, yet I'm sitting here typing more drivel anyway. Hmmmm...

I didn't intend to get too serious with this post, but the question is...

Why blog?

I'll have to get back to you later on that one, seeing as I have no meaningful answer.


Tom Anhalt said...

As I learned in one of my undergrad philosophy courses, the correct answer to that sort of question is always...

"Why not?"

Marco Fanelli said...

Why not?

How about... It takes time. You expose yourself to public ridicule. You offend and annoy. You feel pressured to write. It takes more time.