Thursday, April 19, 2007

Garden Quiz Question #1

I started planting our spring/summer garden today, just in time as the rain is supposed to dump 1" to 2" on us tomorrow. That fresh water should give all the greens a great kick start. So far, I've planted Arugula, Mizuna, Endive, a lot of red and green lettuces, and of course spinach. It all should provide daily salads starting in June.

There are still a few winter-garden hold-overs to clear out, like the plant pictured here. So now here is your quiz: what is this plant?

A hint: it's in the cabbage family.

Here's another clue. The lower leaves are cut off to reveal the actual food crop. You might have to click on the picture and view it full size.

And here they are... Brussel Sprouts. Yum-yum!

How did you think they grew, like little individual cabbages in the dirt?

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